Small Step Semantics
30th Dec 2023

Small-step semantics, also known as operational semantics, is a method in computer science used to define the behavior of computer programs through the description of their individual execution steps. This approach is fundamental in the study of programming languages and compilers. When we say that we are analyzing or interpreting a program using small-step semantics, it implies the following:

The program's behavior is described as a series of small, incremental steps or transitions. Each step represents a basic computation or a minimal change in the program's state.

The focus is on how each step changes the state of the computation. The state can include things like the values of variables, the control flow of the program, and the contents of the memory.

Small-step semantics provides a set of rules for how different constructs in the language are evaluated and executed. For example, it specifies how an if statement branches, how a loop iterates, or how function calls are handled.

It often models the execution of a program as if it were being processed by an abstract machine. This machine understands the rules of the language and can execute one step at a time.

The approach is formal and mathematical, allowing precise descriptions of the language's behavior. This precision is crucial for tasks like language design, compiler construction, and formal verification of programs.

The granularity of the steps can vary. In some models, a step might be as small as a single arithmetic operation or a variable assignment. In others, it might encompass a larger portion of the program.

Small-step semantics is often contrasted with big-step semantics (also known as natural semantics). While small-step focuses on the minute details of each computation step, big-step semantics describes the overall result of executing larger portions of the code, like an entire function or an expression, in a single step.

It is particularly useful in understanding complex language features like recursion, concurrency, and exception handling, as it allows us to see how these features evolve and interact at each small step.

Small-step semantics can serve as the basis for developing formal tools like interpreters, type checkers, and program verifiers.

Common Uses


Vital in implementing interpreters for programming languages.


Useful for optimizing compilers for enhanced performance.

Formal Verification

Employed in proving properties about program behavior such as correctness and termination.

Programming Language Design

Assists in exploring and understanding the implications of language features.

Debugging Tools

Helps in understanding program execution and identifying errors.

Educational Tool

Effective for teaching programming language behavior in a structured and clear manner.

Structural Operation Semantics ( SOS )

Structural Operational Semantics (SOS) is a form of operational semantics. In the field of computer science, especially in the study of programming languages, operational semantics is a way to define the behavior of a computer program in terms of the operations it performs. Structural Operational Semantics is a particular approach within this broader category

SOS was introduced by Gordon Plotkin and is sometimes referred to as Plotkin's operational semantics. A prominent figure in the field of theoretical computer science, Gordon Plotkin is particularly known for his contributions to programming language semantics and the theory of computation. One of Plotkin's most significant contributions is the development of Structural Operational Semantics (SOS), introduced in his seminal work "A Structural Approach to Operational Semantics" in 1981. This work provided a formal method for describing how computer programs execute, profoundly influencing programming language design and analysis. He made substantial contributions to domain theory, a mathematical framework used to understand the semantics of programming languages, especially those involving features like recursion and non-termination. Plotkin also contributed to the development of denotational semantics, another approach to defining the meaning of programming languages, which abstracts away from the operational steps of computation to focus on the mathematical functions that represent program outputs.


Structured Rules

It is characterized by its use of structured, formal rules to define the transitions between the different states of a program..

Inductive Definitions

SOS typically uses inductive definitions to describe how complex constructs are reduced to simpler ones, step by step.

Big-Step Operational Semantics (Natural Semantics)

Overall Execution

Unlike SOS, which focuses on the incremental steps of execution, big-step semantics describes the execution of larger chunks of a program in a single step.

Input-Output Relation

It typically characterizes the behavior of a program by relating its input state directly to its output state, without explicitly detailing the intermediate steps.


The rules in big-step semantics usually take the form of judgements that state: given an input state, executing a certain piece of code results in a specific output state.


Consider a rule for evaluating an arithmetic expression in a programming language. In big-step semantics, the rule might directly state that evaluating the expression 1 + 2 in a certain state results in the value 3, without detailing the intermediate steps of evaluating 1, 2, and then performing the addition.

Beyond Small and Big Steps: Exploring Diverse Forms of Operational Semantics

Apart from Structural Operational Semantics (SOS) and Big-Step Operational Semantics, there are other forms of operational semantics used in the field of programming languages and computer science. These include:

1. Transition Semantics

Transition semantics is often seen as an intermediate form between big-step and small-step semantics. It focuses on transitions between states but can encapsulate more than just the smallest steps, potentially covering transitions over larger segments of code.

2. Reduction Semantics

Reduction semantics is based on the idea of rewriting rules. It describes how complex expressions or statements can be reduced to simpler ones, ultimately leading to a value or a final state. This approach is often used in the context of functional programming languages.

3. Abstract Machine Semantics

This approach defines an abstract machine that specifies how the execution of a program proceeds. It's more operational than other forms of semantics as it often involves specifying data structures for the machine's state and a set of operations that manipulate these structures.

4. Continuation-Passing Style (CPS) Semantics

CPS semantics models control flow explicitly using continuations. It's a style of programming and a form of semantics where control is passed explicitly in the form of a continuation. This is particularly useful in understanding and implementing features like exception handling, coroutines, and asynchronous programming.

5. Game Semantics

Game semantics is a more recent approach where the execution of a program is modeled as a game between two players, typically the program and its environment. This is a very abstract form of semantics and is used in some advanced theoretical investigations.

6. Categorical Semantics

Categorical semantics uses concepts from category theory to describe the structure of programming languages. While it’s more abstract and mathematical, it provides insights into the compositional properties of languages.